Video: Winsome Sears Won’t Speak Out Against the Persecution of President Trump

Last Updated on April 14, 2023

Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, a member of the GOP who was elected alongside Governor Glenn Youngkin, refused to speak out against the political persecution of President Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg when asked about the issue during a recent appearance on Maher’s HBO program.

After telling Bill Maher that “everybody deserves due process” but refusing to directly speak out against the politicized persecution of President Trump when the topic was broached, Winsome Sears used an anecdote she says came from her grandmother, saying to “be careful that you don’t dance on the grave of your enemy because you may fall in.” Though it’s unclear if Sears was referring to Trump as her enemy or Maher’s, she told the HBO host that she’d like to “just wait and see what plays out” as the case against President Trump in Manhattan heads to court.

Sears appeared on the episode of Real Time With Bill Maher alongside James Kirchick, who writes for Tablet Magazine, a globalist publication, and who authored the book The End of Europe. In The End of Europe, Kirchick bemoans the renewal of patriotism and the rise of populism across the European continent and the wider Western world and mourns the demise of the post-World War 2 globalist order.

Kirchick went unchallenged by Sears when he mentioned that President Trump is also the subject of other investigations, including the “investigation into January 6th,” which Kirchick insists is “serious.” He appeared apprehensive when he admitted that Trump could end up being convicted of nothing at all.

Nevertheless, Sears’ appearance on Bill Maher’s program has been lauded by Conservative Inc. media outlets, who have neglected to mention her apathy towards the political persecution of the 45th US President.

Watch the video below:

More Than Alvin Bragg: Map Shows Nationwide Network of Soros-Owned Prosecutors

Winsome Sears’ appearance on Bill Maher’s program marks just the latest time that she’s disappointed her conservative supporters after winning election in the 2021 red wave that gripped Virginia, as parents rose up against transgender grooming in schools. On that issue, the Youngkin-Sears Administration has largely punted since assuming office.

Video: Glenn Youngkin Calls for Gender Neutral School Bathrooms at CNN Town Hall

Recently, President Trump blasted Winsome Sears for publicly turning on him, after winning her election largely thanks to his endorsement.

In a statement released after Sears announced that she wouldn’t be supporting Trump in 2024, the 45th President called her a “phony,” adding that he “never felt good about Winsome Sears.”

Read More: Trump Slams Winsome Sears as ‘Phony,’ Reminds Youngkin That MAGA Made Him Governor

Furthermore, Sears showed support for communism in text messages that were revealed in an exclusive National File report, opposing the formation of a modern-day House Un-American Activities Committee to clamp down on anti-American foreign influence operations, like those being run by communist China.

National File EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show Anti-Trump Winsome Sears Supporting Communism