INVASION: 700,000 Illegal Aliens Prepare to Storm US Border

Last Updated on May 8, 2023

An army-sized mob of 700,000 illegal aliens is preparing to storm America’s southern border with Mexico when Title 42 expires on May 11th, ending COVID-era border protections and accelerating the record-setting level of illegal border crossings seen under Joe Biden. Since Biden’s 2021 installation as President, an estimated 6 million illegal aliens have entered the United States, shattering the records and pace of previous administrations.

According to numerous reports, roughly 40% of attempted illegal border crossers have been expelled from the United States with Title 42 in effect but, with the COVID-era border protections coming to an end, the Biden Administration is expected to open the floodgates, forcing an unprecedented surge of illegal aliens onto the United States and the American People.

Yuma County, Arizona Supervisor Jonathan Lines warned at a recent Yuma County Board of Supervisors meeting that the “Border Patrol shared with us their intelligence that there are approximately 700,000 [illegals], as of three weeks ago, in the shelters in Mexico waiting to come into the United States.” It’s unclear to what extent this number has grown as the expiration of Title 42 draws closer.

Under the administration of Joe Biden, even with Title 42 protections in place, more than an estimated 6 million illegal aliens have already been let into the United States. That figure dwarfs the population of numerous states and most of America’s largest cities. The estimated 700,000 illegals preparing to enter the US outnumber the population of the entire states of Wyoming and Vermont, and large US cities like Baltimore and Cincinnati.

As National File recently reported, as the massive army of illegal aliens, marching under the flags of their third-world nations, prepares to invade the United States, the Biden Administration has attempted to gain a “win” on border issues in the press, by announcing the deployment of 1,500 military members to the southern border.

But instead of stemming the flow of illegal aliens entering the US, the military will be aiding and abetting them, recording data, and assisting in the Biden Administration’s “catch and release” program, which allows illegal aliens to be picked up at the border and then let go. Oftentimes, they’re sent to a destination of their choosing deep inside the interior of the United States, and the federal government often has no ability to hold the illegals accountable and make them show up to their immigration hearings, making deportation a near impossibility and swelling the already massive number of illegal aliens present in the United States.

Read More: Troops at Border Working on Data Entry, Not Border Protection

At current count, nearly 40 million illegal aliens are estimated to be living in the US.

Increasingly, fighting-age men from Communist China have been found among the “caravans” of illegals heading for America, including in the massive mob of 700,000 illegals that are preparing to storm the border.

INVASION of America: Mexican Police Escort Busses of Illegals to America’s Open Border