Rep. Hank Johnson: GOP Pretending They Want to Close Border, Illegals Needed for Cheap Labor

Last Updated on May 10, 2023

Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson said that GOP legislators “pretend” that they want to secure America’s borders in comments he made on the ongoing southern border crisis, and he appeared to admit that the political class is collapsing America’s border for the purpose of importing cheap labor.

“Those folks coming across [the border] are the ones who are helping to put food on our table,” Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson (GA-4) claimed. “Without them, we are not able to eat. If you turned them away…And you had no immigration, then we would have no food on our plates. We would have nobody taking care of the building – the construction of our homes. We would have nobody cleaning up in the hospitals.”

“Immigration is important,” Johnson added, before taking aim at Republicans, who he says don’t actually want to secure the border because they too require cheap labor.

“And my friends on the other side of the aisle want to pretend that they want to close this border,” said Johnson.

Watch the video below:

Johnson’s remarks about a steady stream of illegal aliens being important for staffing physically demanding jobs reflects a broader attitude often displayed within the political and corporate class, one that’s been compared to the reliance on slavery had by colonial and antebellum-era elites.

For decades, leaders of both parties, backed by mega-donors from the corporate world, have used both lax border security and lavish foreign worker visa programs to bring in an underclass of laborers to keep wages low and attack the interests of American workers who will demand higher pay and better conditions commensurate with their skills and experience.

Now, after years of neglect at the behest of oligarchs, special interests, and open borders Marxists, the US border with Mexico is on the verge of complete collapse.

Currently, an army-sized mass of at least 700,000 illegals is preparing to storm into the United States on May 11th, when Title 42, the COVID-era border protection method that allowed for rapid deportation, expires.

Like an invading army, the illegals are massing at the US border under the flags of their third-world nations.

INVASION: 700,000 Illegal Aliens Prepare to Storm US Border