Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Melts Down Over Trump Town Hall, Admits Trump Will be GOP Nominee

Last Updated on May 11, 2023

The Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson recorded his own meltdown over President Trump’s CNN town hall before posting it to Twitter and drawing widespread mockery from his fellow Twitter users. Among other things, in the 1-minute-long meltdown clip, Wilson admits that Trump will be the GOP’s 2024 nominee for President.

“I have words,” Rick Wilson wrote in a tweet with the meltdown video attached, posting his profanity-laden commercial break ramblings for the world to see.

Among other things, Wilson took issue with President Trump calling the Capitol Police officer who shot and killed unarmed J6 demonstrator Ashli Babbit at point-blank range a “thug”, claiming that the officer, Michael Byrd, is above reproach because he is “an African-American police officer.”

Then, he admitted that President Trump will indeed be the GOP’s 2024 Presidential nominee, and said that CNN should be “ashamed” of themselves for giving the presumptive nominee and 45th President a TV platform.

“It’s astoundingly bad, honestly folks, for every other Republican candidate in the primaries. Wrap that shit up. It’s done. You saw this tonight. You know you can’t beat him on the stage,” said Wilson, adding that it’s time for him and his fellow Trump haters to “go to work” on sabotaging his campaign.

“He’s gonna be the nominee,” Wilson said of Trump. “This shit is unf*cking believable. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s a disaster of the highest f*cking degree.”

Watch Rick Wilson’s meltdown below: 

More from CNN’s Trump town hall: 

‘You are a Nasty Person’: President Trump Puts CNN’s Kaitlan Collins in Her Place

Video: President Trump Calls Out ‘Thug’ who Murdered Ashli Babbitt in CNN Town Hall