GiveSendGo for Subway Marine Daniel Penny Surpasses $2 Million

Last Updated on May 15, 2023

The GiveSendGo account to raise money for the criminal defense of New York City “subway Marine” Daniel Penny has surpassed $2 million in donations after the Manhattan DA’s office charged Penny with second-degree manslaughter in the death of subway marauder Jordan Neely.

As of Monday, more than 46,000 individual donors had given a sum of over $2 million to the Daniel Penny legal defense fundraiser through the Christian crowd-funding platform GiveSendGo. The fundraiser was set up by the law firm that’s representing Penny against the Soros-funded Manhattan DA’s office of Alvin Bragg, which charged Penny with second-degree manslaughter in the death of Jordan Neely.

Among those who have donated to Penny’s defense fund are Kid Rock and Vivek Ramaswamy. Tim Pool has also made a large donation, of $20,000, reversing his position on the issue, having previously said he wouldn’t donate to Penny because Penny had chosen to live in a liberal city.

In addition to the larger donations, thousands of people have donated smaller chunks of cash, that have added up to a massive total.

Read More: Alvin Bragg Charges Marine in Jordan Neely Subway Death

The fundraiser has reached seven-figure territory rather quickly, as Penny was arrested recently, on Friday. By Saturday, as National File reported at the time, the GiveSendGo dedicated to his defense had already raised over $1 million.

Now, as shown in the screenshot below, that figure has quickly doubled and donations are still pouring in.

Daniel Penny GiveSendGo
The Daniel Penny’s Legal Defense Fund page has already raised more than $2 million to defend him against prosecution from the Soros-funded Bragg office.

As has been widely reported, 24-year-old Daniel Penny, a Marine Corps veteran, was involved in an altercation with known subway marauder Jordan Neely on May 1st. At one point, Penny put Neely in a choke-hold as he and other men tried to subdue Neely, who was harassing and violently threatening subway riders, as he was known to regularly do.

Jordan Neely did not die at the scene and died at a later point in a hospital.

While the situation has been exploited by race radicals because Penny is white and Neely was black, it is important to note that Penny was part of a multi-racial group of subway riders attempting to subdue Jordan Neely.