NYC Students Kicked Out of Dorms to Make Way for Illegals

Last Updated on June 13, 2023

College students in New York City are being pushed out of their dorm rooms as the academic year comes to a close to make way for hundreds of illegal aliens who are being brought in to take up residence in the collegiate housing facilities.

More than 800 illegal aliens who were bused from the border to the sanctuary city of New York will now be housed in dorm rooms that normally serve students of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA). The dorms, which are now being referred to as city-run Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers, are located in Manhattan, on the exclusive Upper West Side, where the illegals will be living for free.

According to a local blog called I Love The Upper Westside, students were observed moving out of the dorm rooms as recently as the morning of June 12th, and representatives from the city government told the blog that illegal aliens would be moving in as soon as the very same day.

It is unclear if any students were slated to stay in the dorm rooms over the summer or if they were all to be moved out to mark the end of the academic year, however, it should be noted that several summer classes that include dorm room stays are listed on the American Musical and Dramatic Academy’s website.

Again according to I Love The Upper Westside, the dorms being overtaken by illegals are located at 117 West 70th Street in a student residence known as Stratford Arms, and at 205/207 West 85th Street in a student residence known as the Amsterdam Residence Hall.

The city says that the dorms will be used to house hundreds of “families” of illegal aliens, including married couples and single women with children.

Related: NYC Parents Outraged as City Houses Illegal Aliens Inside Public Schools

As has been demonstrated time and time again at the border, US authorities have a virtually impossible task in determining if those purporting to be the parents of children they cross the border with are actually their parents.

In many cases, unaccompanied illegal alien children are being sold to adult illegals on their trek to America, to give the illegals a better chance at the VIP treatment from local and federal US authorities.

Disturbingly, as illegals have been housed in luxury New York City hotels that they’ve completely trashed, hotel employees have reported numerous children being abandoned by their supposed parents as well as unsupervised and extremely young illegal alien children who have taken to drinking and using drugs. Some of the young female children have even become pregnant, quite obviously the victims of sexual abuse by adult male illegals.

The ongoing disaster in New York City is thanks to both the city’s sanctuary and illegal alien accommodation policies as well as Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s ridiculous effort to bus illegal aliens deep into the interior of the United States, apparently to “own the libs”.

Abbott’s move has only ended up punishing actual American citizens.

In New York, for instance, Democrat government authorities are now busing the illegals into red areas of upstate New York and kicking Americans out of their hotel rooms, and canceling long-held reservations to house them.

Read More: New York Hotel Kicks Out Americans to House Illegal Aliens

Taking things even further, New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently floated the idea of having New Yorkers house illegal aliens in their private homes.

“It is my vision, uh, to take the next step of this to go to the faith-based locales and then move to private residents,” Adams said at a press conference, describing how he plans to stash illegals in churches before asking New Yorkers to let them in their houses.

Read More: Eric Adams Wants to House Illegals in the Homes of New Yorkers