84% Jabbed Peru Declares Health Emergency After Guillain-Barre Outbreak

Last Updated on July 12, 2023

A health emergency has been declared in Peru amidst a Guillain-Barre syndrome outbreak. Guillain-Barre syndrome is a rare and dangerous neurological disorder, the increased development of which has been linked directly to COVID jabs. In Peru, more than 84% of citizens are reported to be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19, raising the specter that the country’s embrace of the jab could be behind the Guillain-Barre outbreak.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is defined as a neurological and autoimmune disorder in which patients’ immune systems attack their nervous systems, leading to an often catastrophic breakdown in bodily function and a long road to recovery. Guillain-Barre kills a reported number of between 1% and 18% of those it attacks, though it should be noted that the death rate of Guillain-Barre patients who developed the disorder after taking the COVID jab has not yet been reliably tracked and reported, for a multitude of reasons.

In the case of heavily-jabbed Peru, where more than 84% of citizens have had at least two COVID jabs and over 90% have had at least one, a 90-day public health emergency has been declared after the country noted an “unusual” increase in Guillain-Barre cases, documenting at least 180 cases and 4 deaths over a span of “recent weeks.”

“There has been a significant increase in recent weeks that forces us to take actions as a State to protect the health and life of the population,” Peruvian Health Minister Cesar Vasquez is quoted as saying.

While Peru’s government and media have indicated that the outbreak of Guillain-Barre cases could be related to COVID-19, they have not acknowledged the elephant in the room; which is the question of whether or not Peru’s widespread adoption of the COVID jabs, and not the disease itself, has led to the outbreak.

The development of Guillain-Barré syndrome has been linked directly to so-called COVID “vaccines”, as shown in a multitude of studies, including studies listed on the US National Institute of Health’s (NIH) own website. The NIH is the government agency through which Dr. Anthony Fauci and his colleagues spearheaded gain of function research as well as the government’s deadly roll-out of COVID jabs.

It played a key role in selling the jabs to the American people and in covering up reports of adverse “vaccine” reactions.

“We report a 61-year-old man who developed Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) within four days of receiving the Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine,” one of the studies published on the NIH website reads.

“Neurological side effects can occur following COVID-19 vaccines,” the study goes on.

“One of those side effects is the development of Guillain-Barre syndrome.”

“The temporal relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and GBS development, in this case, was suggestive of a vaccine-inducted cause.”

Covid Jab Guillain-Barre
via NIH

Secret Docs: Pfizer, FDA, ‘Fact-Checkers’ LIED About Deadly Graphene Oxide in COVID Jabs