Twitter Rebrands as X

Last Updated on July 24, 2023

Twitter has officially rebranded and the social media giant’s iconic blue bird logo was removed from on Monday morning, replaced with a logo representing the letter “X”, a letter that has been central to Elon Musk’s business branding history.

The web address of remains, but the social media giant has officially rebranded as X, part of the overhaul process that began when Elon Musk took the helm there last fall, after completing his historic purchase of Twitter.

The rebrand came with little theatrics or fanfare in the runup to it, with Elon Musk posting a somewhat mysterious (at the time) video on Sunday of a flickering X logo.

On Sunday night, an X logo was projected onto the outdoor wall of Twitter’s headquarters, and by Monday morning, X branding had taken over.

The change is immediately noticeable upon logging in to the website, with Twitter’s bird logo gone from the upper left-hand corner of the screen, replaced by the new X.

Twitter X
The left-hand corner of Twitter’s home page – The X has replaced the former blue bird logo.

Twitter’s official account has been renamed X, while the official Twitter page and Elon Musk alike have made the new logo their profile pictures.

Official Twitter Account Rebranded as X
Twitter’s official account on the social media platform has been rebranded as “X”

The letter X has played a central role in Elon Musk’s business career, having used it in the names of various ventures, including SpaceX.

While it is not immediately clear exactly why Twitter was rebranded, some have speculated that it’s something Musk planned to do all along. Others have speculated that Musk wanted Twitter to get somewhat of a fresh start, with the blue bird logo, though iconic online, being commonly associated with mass censorship – a problem that continues to plague the platform, though not to the extent that it once did.

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