Former US Cap Police Officer to Fedsurrection Cover-Up Artists: ‘You Are Winning Now, But I Promise You the Tide Will Turn’

Former U.S. Capitol Police Officer Tarik Johnson released a public message to current Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger over X (Twitter) on Thursday, blasting the Biden-era appointee and accusing him of turning the U.S. Capitol Police into a “Democratic weapon”.

Former Capitol Police Officer Tarik Johnson has become well-known in the aftermath of January 6th, 2021 for blowing the whistle on the deliberate failures and political motivations of U.S. Capitol Police leadership, including former Assistant Chief Yogananda D. Pittman, who Johnson says “caused what occurred on J6”, as well as current Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, who Johnson says is running a massive J6 cover-up effort.

On Thursday, as President Trump traveled to Atlanta to face his latest round of political persecution, Johnson posted a message on X, addressed to current Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger. The message called out both Manger and Pittman while also calling for online protests that can’t be infiltrated by violent feds, but can cause J. Thomas Manger’s name to trend online, raising awareness as to who he actually is and what he’s actually doing.

“I know you and your people are watching everything that is transpiring in the country and laughing at the J6 community as most are focused on officers from the USCP and MPD and not on you or Pittman,” Johnson’s “Message to J. Thomas Manger” reads. “I will acknowledge that you are winning now but I promise you the tide will turn.”

“[Yogananda] Pittman caused what occurred on J6 effectively torching our country and you were brought in to cover-up her sins and so far you are doing a magnificent job,” the message from Johnson goes on. “But here is the bad news. I’m not going to stop talking about you and at some point former President Trump’s people will find out who you and Pittman are and what you are doing to ensure Trump is not re-elected.”

“I will tell all within the J6 community what has to be done now. It is time to PROTEST!!!!….but not in the traditional way as you (J. Thomas Manger) will ensure that Ray Epps type people show up at the events. What we can do is use social media and I will ask all that follow me to tweet the phrase “Who is J. Thomas Manger?” every day for the next six days until August 30, 2023, the day you (Manger) will begin interviewing for the next USCP ACOP. It’s time to get you ‘Trending.’”

“You have turned the United States Capitol Police into a Democratic weapon against the J6 community and former President Donald J. Trump and God has called me to disarm you,” Johnson added as the message closed. “As always sir, I will continue to pray that God will have mercy on your soul.”

Read Johnson’s statement as it appears on X below: 

Tarik Johnson Capitol Police Statement
via Twitter