Video: Biden Falsely Claims He Was at Ground Zero, Trump Was Really There

Last Updated on September 12, 2023

Joe Biden claimed during a speech he gave yesterday in commemoration of the 9/11/2001 attacks that he was on the scene in New York City, at Ground Zero, the day after the attack, but his claim is completely and totally false. 45th President Donald J. Trump, on the other hand, was on the scene at ground zero in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, contributing labor and resources to the monumental rescue and clean-up operations.

Even the corporate press has called out Joe Biden’s shameless lie about 9/11 after Biden claimed during a 9/11 speech he made in Alaska that as a US Senator from Delaware in 2001, he rushed up to the scene of New York City’s World Trade Center, where the twin towers, along with another building, collapsed into their own footprint, killing thousands.

The tall tale controversy comes as Biden has also faced criticism for skipping out on Ground Zero 9/11 commemoration ceremonies, and traveling to Alaska instead, where he marked the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 on a military base.

“Ground Zero in New York,” Biden fraudulently recounted from behind a podium in Alaska. “I remember standing there the next day and looking at the building. And I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell. It looked so devastating because of the way – from where you could stand.”

Joe Biden’s 9/11 Experience – False Claims vs. Reality

While Joe Biden was indeed NOT at the scene of Ground Zero on September 12th, 2001, 45th President Donald J. Trump was.

Trump, who at the time was a well-known and wildly popular New York City businessman, sprang into action immediately and was interviewed by news media as he walked to the scene of Ground Zero, where more than 100 of his company’s men were working to rescue survivors and assist in clean-up efforts.

“There’s never been anything like this, it’s disgraceful,” Trump said of the attack. “And I hope we attack fast. I hope we find out who it is and go fast.”

“I’ve got a hundred men working down here,” Trump told reporters, adding that he’d come to the scene to “spur them on.”

They’re “here doing an amazing job, so I just want to give them some support,” Trump reaffirmed, adding that another 100 men from his development company would be arriving at Ground Zero soon.

“They’re brave guys,” Trump said. “A couple of them got hurt.”

 Watch Trump’s post-9/11 interview below: 

RELATED: Nobody Has ‘Gotten to the Bottom’ of 9/11, Trump Tells Reporters

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