National Poll: Trump Drums Biden by 10 Points

Last Updated on September 24, 2023

45th President Trump is drumming Joe Biden by a whopping 10 points in the latest national poll surveying what Americans are thinking about a presumed 2024 Presidential Election match-up between the two men who first squared off in 2020, in what became the most demonstrably fraud-ridden election in American history.

The polling results showing 45th President Trump defeating Joe Biden by a 10-point margin come by way of The Washington Post and ABC News – hardly bastions of conservatism or pro-Republican polling data.

In the poll, Trump rakes in the support of 52% of voters, while just 42% say that they support Joe Biden.

While 6% of the poll’s respondents didn’t indicate their support for either candidate, the fact that a sitting President is 8 points under the 50% mark and is trailing his presumed general election challenger by double digits, doesn’t bode well for the Democrats.

The national poll victory for Trump comes on the heels of a series of state-level polls, which surveyed voters in key battlegrounds and showed that Trump leads Biden in those crucial locations.

When the polls are looked at side-by-side, they indicate that Trump could win both the national popular vote and the Electoral College when ballots are cast next fall.

Related Poll: Trump Leads Biden in Crucial Battleground States

Trump’s defeat of Biden in multiple recent polls is part of a wider pattern of support for the 45th President, who is facing numerous politically charged indictments at the hands of the Biden Administration and its Democrat associates in places like New York City and Atlanta.

Despite the persecution efforts, Trump’s poll numbers have remained strong, and have actually grown stronger with each indictment.

The same cannot be said for Joe Biden, who appears to have lost the support of numerous prominent Democrats, perhaps even former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who refused to outright throw her support behind Biden as the party’s 2024 nominee when pressed during a news show appearance.

Read More: Trump’s Poll Numbers in Georgia Get Stronger Following Indictment