Newsweek Lies About National File

Last Updated on September 25, 2023

Corporate media publication Newsweek is printing lies about National File in a libelous and defamatory attempt to falsely link the publication to Info Wars founder Alex Jones while parroting publicly debunked claims from Soros-funded Media Matters to do so.

A Newsweek article written by James Bickerton and titled “Trump Supporters Reveal Plan to Get Him Elected If He’s Removed From Ballot” was published on September 5th, 2023. In the article, Bickerton falsely claims, while citing a debunked Media Matters and Gizmodo hit piece, that National File was founded by legendary newsman and Info Wars founder Alex Jones.

Of course, as National File has previously reported, this claim is completely and totally false. Alex Jones, though a patriot news legend in his own right, did not start National File.

It would appear, given that several anti-Jones hit pieces were linked to the paragraph claiming he founded National File, that Newsweek is only making such a claim to falsely associate National File with their previous negative reporting on Jones.

Even after being informed of the patently false, libelous, and defamatory nature of their claims, Newsweek refused to alter or remove the article. It remains online, in its libelous and defamatory form, as of September 25th, 2023.

Specifically, Newsweek’s patently false claims about National File were made when Bickerton cited an X post from National File reporter Charles Downs. In the post, Downs detailed how American voters can be expected to write in 45th President Trump’s name to the 2024 presidential ballot if he’s illegally removed by Deep State actors.

But, more than likely, Downs explained, the Supreme Court will block efforts to kick him off the ballot in the first place.

“In America, the people, not the Deep State, choose the president,” Downs wrote.

In reference to the X post, Newsweek falsely claimed that Downs “writes for the Alex Jones-founded site National File.”

Newsweek National File

RELATED: Gizmodo, Media Matters Publish Patently False Stories About National File