Jenna Ellis Takes Plea Deal After Raising Over $216k for Defense

Last Updated on October 24, 2023

Ron DeSantis campaign surrogate and ex-Trump election attorney Jenna Ellis has pled guilty to a reduced charge in Fulton County, Georgia connected to the left-wing persecution efforts against 45th President Trump and others. Ellis’s plea deal comes after she raised more than $216,000 to fund her legal defense and will reportedly include the writing of an “apology letter to the people of Georgia” for daring to question the 2020 election.

Jenna Ellis originally faced two charges as part of the wide-ranging racketeering case against President Trump and 18 others. Ellis is the fourth attorney charged in the case to take a plea deal, joining the likes of Sydney Powell, Scott Hall, and Kenneth Chesebro. She cried in court today as she entered her guilty plea to a reduced charge of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.

According to the Associated Press, Ellis “was sentenced to five years of probation along with $5,000 in restitution, 100 hours of community service, writing an apology letter to the people of Georgia and testifying truthfully in trials related to this case.”

Journalist Laura Loomer posted court documents related to Ellis’s plea deal on X, writing that “Jenna Ellis just took a guilty plea deal in Fulton County, Georgia for a count of ‘aiding and abetting false statements and writings’.”

“Jenna Ellis has always been disloyal,” Loomer went on.

“I called this,” Loomer added, linking back to another X post, made days ago, in which she predicted that Ellis would take a plea deal.

In that post, Loomer linked back to another previous X posting, originally made in August, in which she warned Americans to “DO NOT DONATE” to Jenna Ellis.

“She has already publicly threatened online to turn on Donald Trump. And given that she’s a pathological liar, God only knows what type of lies she would tell about Donald Trump,” wrote Loomer.

“The woman is evil. She’s also supporting @RonDeSantis.”

Jenna Ellis Court Document

Jenna Ellis Plea Deal Document
Plea documents posted to X by journalist Laura Loomer, detailing Jenna Ellis’s deal with Democrat prosecutors.

As mentioned, Jenna Ellis’s acceptance of a plea deal with left-wing prosecutors comes despite the fact that she raised over $216,000 for her legal defense.

In doing so, she told donors that she would “fight back and stand for the truth” while “being targeted” alongside President Trump, whom she publicly threatened to turn on and routinely attacks in her work for the DeSantis campaign.

Despite Ellis making a deal with prosecutors, donations have trickled into the fund even after news of her guilty plea broke.

It’s unclear what will happen to that money or to the rest of the donations.

Jenna Ellis Fundraiser
Jenna Ellis raised more than $216,000 through a GiveSendGo meant to fund her legal defense. It’s unclear what will happen to the money now that she’s accepted a plea deal.