Video: Trump Says He ‘Dreams Of Punching Biden In His Fake Nose; There’d Be Plastic All Over the Floor’

During an appearance in Derry, New Hampshire Monday, Donald Trump went on a diatribe about how he dreams of punching Joe Biden in the face and watching his “fake nose” splatter all over the floor.

Trump recalled how Biden had previously expressed a desire to “take him to the back of the barn” and beat him up.

Trump told then crowd “I dream of that. You know what I’d do with him? Oh, I dream of it.”

Balling his fists and miming punching, Trump then said “Poof – Poof – Poof! I’d hit him right in that fake nose. That fake nose they’d have plastic lying all over the floor.”

As the crowd cheered, Trump added “But I don’t want to say that. So when he says it, they say, oh, he said remember when he was doing that? I’d like to take him to the back of the barn.”

“You know what you do with him? You just look at him and you go like this,” Trump continued, making a blowing sound to indicate he could just blow Biden over.

“So he can say that. And they say, oh, did you hear him? If I said it, they’d say I was violent. I was violent. There’s two standards of justice. It’s a very bad thing,” Trump further claimed.


Elsewhere during the speech, Trump advised Republicans not to worry about voting in the 2024 election because he’s already “got plenty of votes.”

Instead, he advised his supporters to watch votes being counted, to insure there isn’t foul play.

“We have to be careful. You got to get out there and watch those voters,” Trump told the crowd.

Trump also repeated his vow to reinitiate a travel ban if he wins a second term in office.

“A vote for Crooked Joe is a vote to turn the United States into a hotbed of jihadists and make our cities into dumping grounds very much resembling the Gaza Strip. Have you been to the Gaza Strip?” he said.

He continued, “A vote for President Trump is a vote to secure the border and it’s a vote to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country,” adding that he will “immediately restore and expand the Trump travel ban” and “halt all of the refugee settlements to the United States” on “day one” back in office.

“They want to come in, they want to bring the same people that are shooting rockets at Israel, they want to come into the United States. I don’t think a lot of good things are going to happen,” Trump continued, adding “I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants. If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you don’t like our religion — which a lot of them don’t — if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in.”

The crowd cheered and Trump shouted, “We don’t want you. Get out of here! You’re fired.”

Trump gonna Trump.


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