Video: Massive Chemical Plant Explosion In Texas Prompts Evacuations

Petroleum plant explosion sends chemicals burning into the air

A huge explosion took place at a Shepherd, Texas chemical plant on Wednesday, causing officials to ask some residents to evacuate and others to shelter in place and turn off their air conditioning units.

According to the Precinct 2 Constable of San Jacinto County, the building where the explosion took place was a petroleum processing plant. 

However, Polk County officials told NBC News, “At this time, the effects of the chemical in the air are unknown.”

Smoke from the explosion is reportedly heading in the direction of Livingston, Texas.

See more angles of the blaze below:

Journalist and frequent Infowars guest Michael Yon warned Americans they should all have protective masks on hand for these types of situations as they may become more frequent in the coming months.

Fox 26 Houston is covering the situation live:

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