AUDIO: ADL Panics Over Loss of Support from ‘Useful Idiot’ Zoomers

Last Updated on November 14, 2023

Anti-Defamation League Director Jonathan Greenblatt can be heard in a leaked audio recording panicking over his belief that the ADL doesn’t have enough control over young people in the Western world and fretting about the Israeli government’s apparent loss of support from “useful idiot” Zoomers.

The recording of ADL Director Jonathan Greenblatt, a former Obama Administration official who now makes a living calling for online censorship and labeling anyone ideologically at odds with Israel’s government and military as a rabid antisemite, was reportedly taken during a “confidential” conversation with his peers and was released by Iranian newspaper The Tehran Times.

“But I also want to point out that we have a major, major, major generational problem,” Greenblatt says in the recording, before lamenting a bi-partisan lack of support for Israel’s war effort among young Americans, accusing those who don’t back the Israeli military campaign in Gaza of supporting Hamas.

“All the polling that I’ve seen, ADL’s polling, ICC’s polling, independent polling, suggests this is not a left or right gap folks, the issue in the United States is support for Israel is not left and right, it is young and old,” Greenblatt went on, before claiming that “the numbers of young people who think that Hamas’s, you know, massacre, was justified is shockingly and terrifyingly high.”

“We have a TikTok problem, a Gen-Z problem,” said Greenblatt, blaming the very China-owned app that the ADL and its left-wing allies have used to subvert teenagers to their cause of cultural rot for their apparent inability to win over hearts and minds for Israel’s war effort.

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“We’ve been chasing this left-right divide,” said Greenblatt. “It’s the wrong game, the real game is the next generation, and the Hamas and their accomplices, the useful idiots in the West are falling in line in ways that are terrifying,” he said.

Related: ADL Orders Advertisers to Bail on Twitter, Calls the Bible an ‘Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory’

Listen to the recording of ADL Director Jonathan Greenblatt below: 

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