Trump-Appointed Judge Reverses Course, Will Allow Statue Removal at Arlington Cemetery

Last Updated on December 20, 2023

Trump-appointed US District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, Rossie Alston, has reversed course and lifted the restraining order he signed earlier this week that blocked the Biden Regime from removing the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.

The Arlington Confederate Memorial will be removed as soon as possible, likely by the end of the week, after US District Judge Rossie Alston lifted an injunction he signed on Monday, which had temporarily stopped Joe Biden’s federally ordained historical vandals from tearing down the statue that’s stood for over 100 years. In addition to standing for national reconciliation, the monument has marked the area in which over 400 Confederate veterans and their spouses are buried.

When Alston signed the injunction halting the teardown, he expressed concern that Confederate graves around the memorial were being disturbed. But after walking the cemetery, Alston said he’s seen no evidence of grave damage or disturbance and allowed the teardown to go on.

Though the Arlington Confederate Memorial has long been praised for showcasing the diversity of the antebellum South and includes depictions of black southerners as both Confederate soldiers and slaves, Judge Alston took issue with the depictions when he issued his ruling, becoming just the latest jurist on either side of the political aisle to allow his personal feelings on historic issues of race to seep into the courtroom.

As National File reported earlier this week on the Confederate Memorial’s background:

Notably, the Arlington Confederate Memorial, which was sculpted by Jewish-American artist and native-born Virginian Moses Jacob Ezekiel, is set apart from other monuments and memorials dedicated to both Union and Confederate forces by showcasing the racial diversity of the antebellum South and the Confederate cause.

As pictured below, at least one of the Confederate soldiers depicted on the statue is said to be an African-American.

On another portion of the statue, a Confederate soldier can be seen handing his baby to a black female caretaker, presumably a slave, as he marches off to war.

Arlington Confederate Monument

After its removal, the memorial is expected to be taken to New Market, Virginia, where it will be re-erected on land belonging to the Virginia Military Institute, a move reportedly facilitated by Governor Glenn Youngkin.

However, it should be noted, that the Virginia Military Institute has played a major role in the destruction of Virginia’s history by tearing down Confederate monuments on campus, renaming school buildings, and even assigning quotes uttered by General Stonewall Jackson to someone else.

2021: Virginia Military Institute To De-Person Stonewall Jackson, Re-Attribute Quotes in Soviet-Style Purge