Elon Musk Says Biden is ‘Actively Facilitating Illegal Immigration’

Last Updated on January 4, 2024

Elon Musk called out the Biden Regime in a post he made to his X platform, writing that “there is no question that this administration is actively facilitating illegal immigration,” while sharing a graph that showed skyrocketing levels of illegal immigration and rock bottom levels of deportation under Biden.

“The numbers speak for themselves,” Musk wrote in the post, quoting a graph from the Data Hazard account, which itself concluded that “by all available metrics, this administration’s border policy is a disaster.”

Elon Musk Illegal Immigration

According to the numbers put forth by Data Hazard, illegal aliens have heeded Biden’s previous calls to mass at the southern border and illegally invade the United States, with the Border Patrol’s monthly encounters with illegal aliens more than doubling from the Obama and Trump Administrations alike, which averaged 98,000 a month, to a whopping 242,000 a month under Biden.

“In fact, the flood of humans entering is so vast that Apprehensions alone now exceed the combined Encounters metric of the previous administrations,” reported Data Hazard.

“And these averages understate the current situation,” Data Hazard went on. “It’s getting worse every month. December 2023 was the worst single month in history at the southern border.”

Data Hazard
via X, @fentasyl

It’s important to note, that the numbers reported by the federal government, which is often accused of suppressing data that shows the situation at the southern border is even worse than it appears, only account for the illegal aliens actually encountered by Border Patrol and others along the southern border, not those who slip through the cracks on a daily basis.

Currently, more than an estimated 30 million illegal aliens are inside the United States.

Read More: Biden Regime Sets A Record For Migrant Encounters In A 24-Hour Period At The Border…And these are just the illegal aliens who got CAUGHT

While the massive illegal immigration wave currently gripping America was kicked into high gear when Joe Biden was installed as President in 2021, he’s long fantasized about using the nation’s porous borders to make White Americans an “absolute minority,” as National File has previously reported.

Flanked by then-deputy, now head DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who even the GOP establishment is now calling to impeach for his neglect of America’s borders, Biden [in 2014] described a conversation on immigration that he had with a Singaporean politician.

The secret to America’s success, Biden said, “is an unrelenting stream of immigration – nonstop.”

“Folks like me,” Biden said, “who are Caucasian, of European descent,” will soon be “an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority,” he boasted.

Flashback Video: Joe Biden Fantasizes About Making White Americans an ‘Absolute Minority’ Through ‘Non-Stop’ Immigration