EXCLUSIVE: LA Dodgers Falsified Medical Records to Help Steve Garvey Dodge Draft, Letters Show

Last Updated on January 5, 2024

National File can exclusively reveal, after obtaining letters written in 1970 and signed by Steve Garvey, that the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate from California and longtime Major League Baseball player worked with a Los Angeles Dodgers team doctor to falsify his medical records and dodge Vietnam War service, saving his baseball career. National File has learned that Garvey mimicked the symptoms of the migraine headaches experienced by his then-fiance and was separated from military service at Fort Jackson, South Carolina after he was given a letter by a Dodgers’ team doctor that falsely validated his phony symptoms.

In a 1970 letter from Steve Garvey obtained by National File that was written around a Hallmark card and addressed to his then-fiance Cynthia “Cyndy” Truhan, Garvey wrote of the help he was getting from Los Angeles Dodgers team doctor, Dr. Robert Woods, in evading Vietnam War service and saving his budding Major League Baseball career by faking a neurological ailment.

In the letter, Garvey documented his and Dr. Woods’ efforts to get him out of the Army and used quotation marks as he discussed the migraine headaches he was claiming to suffer from, putting them around the term “mig. headaches,” seeming to imply to the letters’ reader that the headaches were made up.

“Kisses and little hello’s,” wrote Garvey in the letter obtained by National File. “I also got to Dr. Woods and he is sending…a letter for me concerning the ‘mig. headaches.’ He said he would take care of me so let’s hope so,” Garvey added, signing the bottom of the paper, “Steve”.

Remarkably, Garvey was claiming to be suffering from the same debilitating migraine headaches that his then-fiance actually suffered from, even though he’d played varsity football and baseball at Michigan State University and made his debut with the LA Dodgers in 1969, without neurological issues keeping him sidelined.

Garvey Letters Dodgers Doctor Draft

In a subsequent letter obtained by National File, Garvey told Ms. Truhan that his efforts with the doctor had paid off and that he would be recommending Garvey be separated from military service.

“The doctor wrote out a report and put at the bottom ‘recommend separation from……’,” wrote Garvey, adding “xxxx (kisses)” in an apparent moment of celebration.

“Now a couple of good letters and SPG is at MSU (Michigan State University) for Jan & 1/2 of Feb!” he went on, before signing off with the initials SPG, for Steven Patrick Garvey.

Steve Garvey Letter to Truhan

National File has also obtained the envelope that the above letter was mailed in, featuring a return address for Steve Garvey at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, where he was being inducted into military service, and postage from nearby Columbia.

The envelope is addressed to “Miss Cyndy Truhan,” who was Garvey’s soon-to-be wife, at her East Lansing, Michigan address around Michigan State University.

Steve Garvey Letter Envelope

Related Exclusive: Steve Garvey, California GOP, LA Dodgers SILENT in Face of Draft Dodging Claims

After reviewing the letters from Steve Garvey, National File reached out to Ms. Truhan, Steve Garvey’s ex-wife and mother of three of his children, who confirmed their authenticity.

Ms. Truhan explained to National File that Garvey had indeed been drafted into the United States Army and traveled to Fort Jackson, South Carolina for training alongside other conscripts, who would eventually be deployed to Vietnam, where Ms. Truhan’s brother was actively serving, having followed in the military footsteps of their father.

And, in addition to the letters, Ms. Truhan told National File that Garvey called her from Fort Jackson and quizzed her on the migraine symptoms from which she suffered, as well as on the medication she took to treat them.

“He called me and he asked me my symptoms and my medication. He told me his plan [to get out of the service],” Ms. Truhan told National File. 

“I had the migraines. I had the medication. He mimicked my symptoms and got doctors to write him letters to get him out of the military,” she went on, adding how uneasy the entire situation made her once she realized what Garvey was up to, considering her family’s strong military tradition. 


Steve Garvey’s penchant for dodging the draft and faking migraine headaches isn’t the only issue set to plague his run for the United States Senate, as a laundry list of personal and financial scandals has long followed the former First Baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres.

As National File previously reported:

Disturbingly, Garvey even neglected to pay for his own children’s visits to the doctor, leading the family’s pediatrician to write the Garveys a letter informing them that all future services would be provided on a “cash-only” basis.

In addition to his financial woes, Garvey’s checkered personal life has landed him in hot water numerous times over the years. He’s known to have fathered at least two children out of wedlock and has been dragged into court to answer for his failure to support his progeny, an issue that ties directly into his aforementioned money problems, again according to The Los Angeles Times.

Read More: Garvey Scandals Could Tank California GOP Hopes in 2024

As of late, Garvey, who has the support of large swaths of California’s GOP establishment and refuses to say if he will vote for President Trump in 2024, has polled as high as second place, behind Adam Schiff in the jungle primary for the seat long held by the late Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Regardless of partisan affiliation, the top two vote-getters in the primary will appear on the general election ballot, and Republicans are believed to have a better chance of actually getting on the ballot in California in 2024 than at any point in recent years, thanks to a fractured Democrat Party and growing defections among Democrat voters.

Despite support from the establishment and the corporate media, Garvey has been blasted in California by conservatives for running a disingenuous campaign. One conservative insider accused Garvey of using his Senate campaign not to get elected to Washington, but to get elected to Cooperstown, New York, the home of Baseball’s Hall of Fame.

As National File previously reported:

Former California Republican Assembly President Stephen Frank blasted Steve Garvey in a write-up published on Frank’s website, CA Political News and Views, saying that Garvey’s run for the US Senate is actually a campaign for the Baseball Hall of Fame.


“Even [Garvey’s] ‘campaign’ logo looks like an effort to remind the MLB Veterans Committee to vote him into the Hall of Fame,” Frank wrote, also noting that in a campaign email blasted out last month, Garvey neglected to mention anything he’d actually do as a US Senator.

Read More: Garvey Running for Baseball Hall of Fame, Not Senate, According to Political Insider