Chick-fil-A Embraces DEI

Last Updated on January 15, 2024

Fast food chain Chick-fil-A is facing heavy backlash and calls for a boycott after embracing the so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives promoted by Black Lives Matter and other anti-white, pro-gay leftist groups. The chicken sandwich merchant even hired a VP to ensure that Chick-fil-A remains “represented by diverse individuals.”

Chick-fil-A quietly launched its DEI division years ago and hired Erick McReynolds as the chain’s Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in November of 2021. Word of the company’s DEI embrace recently went viral online and has infuriated Chick-fil-A’s conservative consumer base, which it attracted by way of its longtime, public embrace of Christianity.

On the company’s DEI webpage, Chick-fil-A brags about hiring fewer white, American men to work in its restaurants.

Chick-fil-A DEI

Some Chick-fil-A consumers are threatening a boycott.

But revelations of Chick-fil-A’s DEI department and initiatives should come as no surprise to anyone who’s paid attention in recent years, as the historically pro-Christian company jockeyed for position in a market increasingly dominated by the ESG initiatives backed by Jewish-run BlackRock and others, which admittedly “force” corporations to adopt radically left-wing, racialist and pro-gay policies.

Rather than stand firm, it would appear that Chick-fil-A, from the very top, has embraced the BlackRock ESG lifestyle.

In 2020, as racial hysteria swept America, then-CEO and current Chick-fil-A Chairman Dan Cathy called for white people to get down on their knees and shine black people’s shoes, then give them a hug. Remarkably, Cathy proceeded to actually shine the shoes of black Christian rapper Lecrae, as the two took part in an on-stage discussion.

He stopped short, however, of offering black people stock in Chick-fil-A when prompted by Lecrae.

“We need to just go right on over and shine their shoes,” Cathy said as he approached Lecrae, shoe-shining equipment in hand.

“There’s a time in which we need to have, you know, some personal action here,” Cathy went on. “Maybe need to give them a hug too.”

“And some stock in Chik-fil-A,” Lecrae replied, before laughing hysterically as an unamused Cathy walked back to his seat, eventually boasting that he actually purchased shoe shine kits for Chick-fil-A operators and staff to keep in their restaurants “a number of years ago.”

Watch the video footage below: