Report: Deep State Ordered Foreign Intel Agencies to Spy on Trump Campaign in 2016

Last Updated on February 14, 2024

A new report that cites high-level sources reveals that the Deep State, under the Obama Administration, ordered foreign intelligence agencies to spy on people linked to 45th President Trump and his 2016 Presidential campaign, helping lead to the completely phony and debunked Russian collusion hoax and opening American citizens up to illegal foreign government surveillance at the behest of their own country. Evidence of the illegal spy ring, the report adds, is held in a 10-inch binder that President Trump ordered to be declassified before he left the White House.

The new report, from Michael Shellenberger’s Public Substack page that also credits journalists Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag in its byline, cites “multiple credible sources” in revealing that the U.S. intelligence community under Barack Obama and former CIA Director John Brennan, “illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors.”

The report goes on to reveal that the United States told foreign intelligence operatives with the fellow “Five Eyes” nations of the U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to not just spy on a group of 26 Trump associates but to make contact with them, and manipulate them.

The order came long before the Obama Administration officially began its secret surveillance of Trump in July 2016, using an unconstitutional FISA warrant to do so, and the Public report credits their sources with helping to “fill in many gaps” that were left blank by mostly useless Durham Report.

The 26 Trump associates, a source reportedly told Public, “were targets of our own [intelligence community] and law enforcement – targets for collection and misinformation.”

According to another source quoted in the report, the intelligence agencies that were spying on Team Trump didn’t just include “Five Eyes” operatives, but also the Italians and the Israeli Mossad, which was reportedly operating in Italy.

“They were sending people around the UK, Australia, Italy – the Mossad in Italy. The MI6 was working at an intelligence school they had set up,” the source reportedly told Public.

The report becomes just the latest revelation to vindicate President Trump, who was ridiculed by the corporate press for years over his very valid claims that the Obama Administration spied on his Presidential campaign and had completely fabricated so-called intelligence in an effort to keep him out of the White House.

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The new details come as the same Deep State tries to railroad Trump in 2024 and toss him in prison before he can be elected President once more. Trump faces persecution efforts in numerous jurisdictions, both local and federal, from Biden-tied or Biden-employed legal system operatives, as well as efforts to remove him from the ballot entirely.

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