Stew Peters Banned From Instagram After Exposing Alleged Pedophile

Last Updated on February 27, 2024

The Instagram account belonging to nationally syndicated TV news host Stew Peters has been booted from the Meta-owned platform for violating the “community guidelines” – apparently by revealing too much truth and hard-hitting news. The banning of Peters’ account comes almost immediately after he slammed a homosexual “dad” of four children and alleged pedophile, who posted a video online about buying sex toys for his kids.

Stew Peters’ Instagram account was hovering around 30,000 followers before it was locked and then permanently banned as Big Tech’s war on the free press continues. The ban came after Peters’ account had an explosion in followers and as he used Instagram to publish hard-hitting news clips originating on the Stew Peters Show – taking on not just the pedophile lobby, but the zionist war lobby and anyone else subverting America, and Christendom as a whole.

His new account, @StewPetersOfficial, is online now and he’s posted a video asking his followers to follow and share the new page, which is the only official account on Instagram belonging to Stew Peters.

In that video, Peters explained that he “was banned [from Instagram] because I took on what appears to be a pedophile, who then told me ‘Yep, we’re going to send the gay mafia after you and get you banned’.”

“Less than 24 hours later,” Peters added, “Boom, the account is gone because they just mass-reported it.”

The Instagram ban is just the latest attack on the Stew Peters Show and the Stew Peters Network from Big Tech censors, who are increasingly working at the behest of left-wing internet mobs who mass report prominent accounts in an effort to get them banned.

As could be expected when dealing with the likes of Big Tech, Jose Rolon, the “NYC Gay Dad” who posted a TikTok video about buying c*ck rings for his children at a drag convention, is still online, even after he appeared to threaten Peters in an Instagram post before mobilizing the gay mafia to get his account banned.

“You got the wrong guy @stewpeters,” Rolon wrote in his post, which included the Stew Peters Show segment in which Peters tore into homosexual groomers who are obsessed with exposing children to their lifestyle, specifically mentioning Rolon and his c*ck ring video.

“Don’t be scared while looking in your own backyard,” he added.

NYC Gay Dad Threatens Stew Peters

Shortly thereafter, Rolon edited the post, tamping down on the overt nature of his threat, while still talking about creeping around Peters’ backyard.

NYC Gay Dad Edited Threat Post

Related Video: Stew Peters Blows the Hinges Off the Anti-White War Lobby Turning America into a Meat Grinder

As mentioned, the banning of Stew Peters’ Instagram account is just the latest chapter in a lengthy effort by Big Tech to shut Peters down, as his Stew Peters Show and Stew Peters Network are being widely credited with changing the way news is delivered – by drilling down on the truth, no matter how “offensive” it may be to some.

The network’s Died Suddenly film, which blew the lid off the bioweapon genocide at the heart of COVID, is still to this day being censored by Big Tech and the corporate media, but that hasn’t stopped it from being viewed hundreds of millions of times.

Related: Elon Musk Says He’s Investigating X Shadow Ban of @realStewPeters