Congress Sends Cash to Ukraine Amid EMS Services Crisis in WV

Last Updated on February 29, 2024

Congress is preparing to send even more cash to Ukraine as Americans on the homefront suffer from increasingly third-world conditions that include an emergency services crisis in West Virginia, where ambulances aren’t showing up to calls and patients in severe distress are left waiting hours to receive treatment – sometimes losing their lives in the process. The situation in West Virginia is an even bigger slap in the face to the American People when it’s considered that members of both parties, like Republican Rep. Carol Miller and Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin, have repeatedly sent cash overseas while leaving their constituents to suffer. At current count, Washington has sent roughly $80 billion to Ukraine alone and is preparing another package worth nearly $100 billion that includes American tax dollars for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

The emergency services crisis in West Virginia has been going on for years with no improvement, and citizens and emergency responders alike say that the problem is only getting worse, as issues pile up and as tax dollars continue to be sent overseas, leaving public services, especially in rural areas, strapped for cash.

Emergency medical patients in West Virginia are being forced to wait up to hours at a time just to get an ambulance ride to the hospital, and once they arrive, they wait even longer, with short-staffed and underfunded facilities keeping the ambulance held “hostage” and unable to help any other citizens in need.

Related: Carol Miller Voted for Green New Deal Policies Destroying WV Energy Sector

“We’re not doing a very good job getting the patients off the stretchers and getting the ambulances back on the road,” Gordon Merry, the EMS Director in Cabell County, told CBS13 News. “Very honestly, we’re doing a poor job.”

According to a report from that same local news outlet, statistics obtained through a Freedom of Information Act Request show that wait times for Cabell County EMS at Cabel Huntington Hospital in 2023 could be as long as 2 hours and 28 minutes.

At nearby hospitals Saint Mary’s and Teays Valley, emergency care patients are also experiencing extreme wait times, regularly having to wait more than an hour to begin treatment at each location.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The problem is plaguing the entire state, especially Southern West Virginia, and it’s costing the lives of Americans.

Recently in Wayne County, a 17-year-old boy passed out and eventually died as he awaited medical care. Worst of all, the county’s 911 records show that the nearest ambulance station didn’t even answer the emergency call.

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