Biden Regime Walls Off Capitol Ahead of SOTU, Border Remains Wide Open

Last Updated on March 7, 2024

Fencing has once again been erected around the United States Capitol in preparation for Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, a move that’s been compared to a dictator keeping the citizenry away from their own government and is seen as all the more ridiculous when it’s considered that Biden and his uni-party colleagues routinely claim that walls do no work and refuse to construct one along the southern border, which remains wide open.

The federal government has once again claimed complete ownership of The People’s House, as American citizens will be barred from the area and kept out thanks to a wall that’s been built around the United States Capitol, a wall that the feds are referring to as a “security fence.”

Remarkably, the “security fence” has been built around the Capitol several times prior to this, as seemingly every time that Joe Biden goes to speak to the legislature, he is determined to keep the American People as far away as possible.

At times, the wall has been topped with razor wire, evoking images of a prison, or of a national border far different from America’s own, which has been left wide open by the Biden Regime and features little to no security, and even in places where walling and fencing have been constructed, Biden’s border guards have been ordered to let illegals pass through.

Related: Razor-Wire-Topped Fence to Surround Capitol Ahead of Biden’s Speech

Jesse Watters of Fox News ripped the re-deployment of the Capitol “security fence” as it was being constructed, saying that “Washington is erecting a fence around the Capitol in anticipation of Biden’s State of the Union…”

“Not a fence around the border, a fence around Biden, who thinks he needs protections from you while he doesn’t provide protection from them.”

Biden’s wall, Watters went on, “is a sinister signal to stigmatize half the country as dangerous. To justify his crackdown.”

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