Armed J6 Agitator Exposed by Derrick Evans Arrested

Last Updated on March 9, 2024

Armed J6 agitator John Emmanuel Banuelos has been arrested and charged with firing his handgun outside the Capitol building immediately before federal law enforcement turned on the crowd and plunged J6 into chaos, costing multiple American lives. Banuelos was exposed by West Virginia Congressional candidate Derrick Evans, himself a J6 Patriot, and the story was picked up by National File. Now, Big Tech is trying to credit the corporate media with breaking the story.

John Emmanuel Banuelos was arrested and charged with discharging his firearm outside the Capitol building, where he is alleged (having been identified on video) to have climbed up scaffolding amid the J6 demonstrations against election fraud before letting off two shots, in the moments immediately before the entire demonstration descended into chaos. The shots are believed by many to have served as an activation signal, for other malign elements that were present that day.

As National File has previously reported, it is admitted and well-known that armed feds were in the crowd on J6, wearing plain clothes, and some of them were even detained by the Capitol Police, but ultimately faced no charges.

Remarkably, this is just the latest arrest for Banuelos, who is being widely accused of having federal protection like Ray Epps, as he was previously arrested in Utah for the fatal stabbing of a teenager, only to have been released after claiming self-defense and telling the police that he played a role in J6.

“Man, should I just tell the FBI to come get me or what?” Banuellos asked the police in Salt Lake City.

What’s more, is that the FBI had footage of Banuelos and the gunshots for a whopping 3 years, but did nothing about it until he was exposed by Derrick Evans last month.

Related Video: J6 Footage Shows Armed Agitator Fired Two Shots, Sparking Chaos

On X, after it was reported that Banuelos had been arrested, the Community Notes feature was again abused by leftists and corporate hacks, who falsely claimed that Derrick Evans “had nothing to do with breaking the story,” crediting NBC News with doing so.

This is despite the fact that NBC News itself credited Evans multiple times for revealing the “previously unseen video” footage in their own reports on Banuelos and the gunshots after Evans released a video (which has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times) going over the gunshot footage at length.

That video was then picked up by National File, while obviously giving proper credit to Derrick Evans, unlike many others who’ve attempted to take credit for it themselves, or, bury the story entirely.

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