LGBT Lobby Praises Glenn Youngkin for Codifying Gay ‘Marriage’ in Virginia

Last Updated on March 15, 2024

The LGBT lobby is praising Virginia GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin for his decision to sign Democrat-sponsored legislation that codifies gay “marriage” in Virginia. The legislation runs counter to an already-existing amendment in the state’s constitution defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman, which was approved by a majority of Virginia voters in a 2006 referendum and has never been successfully repealed, even after being struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

At the close of Virginia’s 2024 legislative session, GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin signed Democrat-sponsored HB174 in law, which enshrines gay “marriage” into the Code of Virginia and marks yet another Republican-allowed advancement of LGBTism in the Old Dominion.

It also marks just the latest instance of Governor Glenn Youngkin groveling to the LGBT lobby, which is quite the opposite of what he was elected to do, amid a parental rebellion and culture war sparked by the indoctrination of schoolchildren with LGBT ideology, and the transgender serial rapes of female public school students in Loudoun County.

Youngkin’s approval of the legislation has been hailed by the LGBT lobby, with Narissa Rahaman, of Equality Virginia, a gay pressure group, praising Youngkin to the media in saying “Two years into his term, Governor Youngkin has shown leadership and inclusivity, and has finally listened to his constituents with his signing of HB174.”

Related: GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin Hosts ‘Pride Month’ Reception at State Capitol

Pro-family groups have blasted Youngkin’s signing of HB174, including the Family Foundation of Virginia, which called Youngkin’s signing of the pro-gay bill a “major disappointment.”

In a post to the group’s website, the Family Foundation warned that “HB 174 will jeopardize conscience and religious protections for those who officiate weddings, and it further embeds the dangerous and false notion that ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ are separate categories of human identity.”

Showing how rapidly the general public was PsyOp’d into supporting gay “marriage” and other causes of LGBTism, in 1997, the Virginia State Senate passed the Affirmation of Marriage Act by a vote of 37-3, while the House of Delegates approved the legislation by a vote 81-8. The Affirmation of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by then-Governor George Allen, banned Virginia from recognizing gay “marriages” or unions performed in other states or jurisdictions.

Several years later, in 2004, the Virginia General Assembly voted by huge margins once again to reject the LGBT agenda, passing legislation to ban Civil Unions or other contractual agreements that were being issued to homosexuals at the time, so that they could pretend to be married.

The Virginia State Senate supported that legislation by a margin of 28-10, and the House of Delegates approved it in a vote of 77-21.

And then, in 2006, a majority of Virginians voted to ban gay “marriage” by way of a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The amendment has never been repealed, and remains in Virginia’s constitution, despite multiple pieces of legislation passed and signed by both Democrats and Republicans in recent years, which have sought to chip away at any sense of normalcy that remains.

Virginia’s constitutional amendment banning gay “marriage” was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2014, after two lesbians moved to Virginia and tried in vain to obtain a marriage license, for the sole purpose of filing a lawsuit backed by the gay lobby that would eventually make it to the Supreme Court and result in gay “marriage” being legalized nationwide, a ruling that is widely believed, including by sitting members of the Supreme Court, to have been unconstitutional.

Despite the court’s ruling, multiple efforts by Democrat legislators to repeal the amendment from Virginia’s Constitution have failed, and the amendment remains intact.