Video: Moscow Terror Attack Suspects Tried to Flee to Ukraine

Last Updated on March 23, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed his nation and the world after a terrorist attack in a Moscow concert hall that left over 130 people dead and more than 100 others wounded. Those responsible, Putin explained, tried fleeing over the border to Ukraine, with the help of co-conspirators operating in Ukrainian territory. ISIS-K, an Afghan-based faction of the notorious US and Israel-backed terror group, has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack, raising serious questions with many about the potential involvement of American, Israeli, and other operatives, given not just their existing ties to Ukraine, but their long track record of aiding Islamic extremists in sewing chaos.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address that those behind the attack “were found and apprehended” by Russian authorities. “They tried to escape,” Putin explained. “They were moving toward the border with Ukraine and we have data that suggests that they were about to be moved toward the territory of Ukraine by those in Ukraine.”

After apprehending those who physically carried out the strike on Moscow, Putin says that the Russians are now investigating the “orchestrators” of the attack.

“It’s already evident that we face not just a cynically organized terrorist attack, but a mass killing of civilians,” said Putin. “These perpetrators, these criminals, went specifically to kill people. Point blank. Our people. Our children. Just like the Nazis that once killed our people during the war, they did the same,” Putin went on, adding that those behind the “strike against Russia” will “pay” for their crimes.

“There is only one future for [them],” said Putin. “Retribution and oblivion.”

Watch the Full Translated Video Clip Below: 

Flashback: ABC, Fox News Linked Israel to 9/11 Attacks

Furthering speculation that American and other global governments had a hand in the Moscow attack is the fact that the concert hall slaughter came less than a month after the Biden Administration predicted it would happen.

In early March, as explained by Biden’s “strategic communications” coordinator John Kirby, the US State Department put out a notice to “all Americans in Moscow to avoid any large gatherings – concerts, obviously, shopping malls, anything like that.”

“Just for their own safety they should stay put where they are and stay plugged into the State Department for any additional updates and information,” Kirby said.

Hear John Kirby’s Forewarning of a Moscow Terror Attack Below: