NAVARRO: Pence’s Right Hand Man Is ‘Anti-MAGA’, Told Pence To ‘Cut And Run’ From Trump, Constitution On Jan 6

Dr. Peter Navarro, the economist who formerly served in the Trump administration as an Assistant to the President, broke his post-presidency silence to slam Lindsey Graham and Mike Pence’s former Chief of Staff Marc Short.

“Marc Short is a tool of the Koch brothers,” Navarro began. “The Koch brothers are the biggest anti-MAGA movement in the whole entire Republican Party. They have dedicated, from 2016 to 2020, to wipe out President Trump, because they love the tax breaks, they love the deregulation, but what they don’t love is everything from the deplorables. The fair trade, the defense spending.”

Navarro also revealed that Short was instrumental to the Republican establishment’s last minute bid to keep President Donald Trump from winning the Republican nomination in 2016.

“Now, Marc Short in 2016, pitched an idea to the Koch brothers where he was going to wipe out the Donald in Super Tuesday, he worked for Rubio.” Then, Navarro explains, “He came into that White House, he was incompetent, he failed as the legislative director, he failed running the task force for the vice president, and he did tremendous damage, because what he would always do is block whatever MAGA things they wanted to get done. He really was responsible for some of the failures”

“Not a good guy,” said Navarro, before then turning to Short’s role in the debacle that saw Pence betray President Trump and the America First movement on January 6.

“What Marc Short is about is getting Pence to be President of the Untied States, or if he can’t do that, at least be rich. Neither one of those is going to happen,” said Navarro. “Mike Pence basically left the [2024] presidential race on January 6.”

“Marc Short is trying to portray Mike Pence as not cutting and running, what he did that day, January 6, on the advice of Mike Short, was to cut and run from the President of the United States and from the Constitution,” said Navarro. “Because you know what was going to happen that day, it wasn’t violence, it was the Green Bay Packers sweep, where we were going to pull six different states, and force, under the Constitution, those votes to be looked at and counted.”

“And Marc Short was the guy who prevented that, and for the people who were trying to get to the vice president, I’ll tell you one story, the Vice President called me from the situation room, and before he could speak with me, that thing got hung up. That was Marc Short.”

National File can independently confirm that Short acted as a gate keeper to Pence during the final days of the Trump presidency.

When National File attempted to contact Short to obtain a comment from Pence regarding the now-infamous “Pence Card Memo,” which detailed how the vice president had the Constitutional obligation to prevent fraudulent electoral college votes from being counted, Short hung up within 17 seconds, refusing to provide a comment.