AZ GOP Chair Kelli Ward Calls For Forensic Audit Of Pima County Over 86% Mail-In Ballot Return Rate

Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward broke down the new analysis of mail-in ballots from the 2020…

138 State Legislators Have Signed ‘New Declaration Of Independence’ Letter Led By Wendy Rogers

138 legislators from 38 states across America have signed what Arizona Wendy Rogers called the “new…

Former Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Says Decertifying Arizona Is ‘Important Step To Correcting The Record’

Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis says decertifying Arizona's 2020 election results would be an "important step…

TRUMP RALLY: Mo Brooks Met With ‘Fix It Now’ Chants At Trump Rally, Says ‘Arizona Audit Is Coming’

Rep. Mo Brooks, who President Trump endorsed for U.S. Senate, was met by skepticism at tonight’s…

BREAKING: RINO PA Senate President Corman HIJACKS Election Audit By Firing Senator Mastriano’s Staff

"Republican Jake Corman is using Cris Dush to dispose of any chance at an election audit…

BREAKING: Maricopa Board of Supervisors Refuses To Comply with Senate Subpoena, Turn Over Election Materials

The Board claimed they have "little time to entertain this adventure in never-never land"

REPORT: Raffensperger Exposed For Allegedly Staging Fake Election Audit In November, Documents Show

Things are not looking good for the Georgia Secretary of State.

Mastriano Releases Details On Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election Audit – Democrats Pledge To Stop it

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano submitted a forensic investigation request to evaluate Pennsylvania’s election results and…

Fulton County Election Official Admits Chain of Custody Documents Missing for 2020 Election Drop Box Absentee Ballots

A Fulton County election official admitted that chain of custody documentation is missing for 2020 absentee…

BREAKING: Trump Responds After Alarm Sounds At Georgia Facility Holding 2020 Votes, Doors Found Wide Open

"Fulton County Leadership - do the right thing and protect these ballots," said President Trump.

GEORGIA: Fulton County Election Board Hires Top Criminal Defense Attorneys After Judge Allows 2020 Election Audit

High-end lawyers beg Georgia court to "stay these proceedings" after Judge grants motion to allow absentee…

TRUMP: ‘It Looks Like They’re Finding Tremendous Fraud’ During ‘Incredible’ Arizona Audit

"And I think, based on preliminary letters written by Karen Fann ... it looks like they’re…

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Mike Kelly Talks Pennsylvania Election Audit

"I think an audit here in Pennsylvania is really necessary and a great idea"

Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones Calls for Forensic Audit of 2020 Election

"The people of Georgia deserve to have faith in the integrity of their elections," tweeted Vernon…

BREAKING: Wisconsin Officially Launches Audit of 2020 Election

Wisconsin becomes the next state to audit the 2020 election as voters still question the legitimacy…