EXCLUSIVE: Shady CCP-Tied, Epstein-Directed Nonprofit Figures Prominently in Commie Takeover of Brazil

Last Updated on October 31, 2022 The Chinese Communist Party and its globalist influence operations such…

American-Born Traitor Wins Gold Medal for Communist China at ‘Genocide Game’ Olympics

An American-born skier competing for China in the 2022 Winter Olympics won a gold medal on…

TEXTS: Hunter Biden Described Business Deals With Russia And China, Including With ‘Vladimir Putin’ And CCP’s ‘Chief Of Intelligence’

In a December 2018 text message exchange between Hunter Biden and his lover Hallie, the widowed…

New Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Is Transgender Woman With Parents Born In Communist China

Sophie Zhang, a second Facebook “whistleblower,” wants to testify before Congress to talk about “potential criminal…

BOMBSHELL: Milley ADMITS To Secretly Calling CCP General, Promising Advanced Notice Of Attack Amid Accusations Of ‘Treason’

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley came clean and admitted that he…

COUP: Milley Held Secret Meeting And Told Military To Ignore Trump, Quietly Coordinated With Chinese General After 1/6 – Woodward

General Mark Milley held a secret Pentagon meeting where he instructed staff to ignore orders given…

Vernon Jones SLAMS Georgia Sec of State Brad Raffensperger For Lying About Integrity Of 2020 Election

Republican candidate for Georgia Governor Vernon Jones exposed Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for lying to…

Biden Plans Cyber Attacks Against Russia For SolarWinds Hack, Ignores Chinese Involvement

“As we have said, we will be responding to the Solar[W]inds hack with a mix of…

EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Communists Profit Millions From Texas Governor Abbott’s ‘Green New Deal’

An energy company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party profits millions annually from tax abatements,…

REVEALED: Chinese Company Owns TWO Wind Turbine Farms In Texas

China will soon control four different wind power farms in Texas, including one that will route…

Texas Considers Letting Chinese Company Build Wind Farm That Would Provide Power To Air Force Base

Local and federal officials express concern the Chinese subsidiary could interfere with the Air Force, sully…

VIDEO: Biden Says He Won’t ‘Speak Out Against’ China’s Uygur Genocide, Because ‘Culturally, There Are Different Norms’

America's new President says he won't denounce the genocide of the Uyghur ethnic minority in China,…

China’s Ministry of Education Plans to Tackle ‘Feminization of Male Youths’ as West Embraces LGBT Agenda

As many Western countries advocate for transgenderism and LGBT issues, China is moving in the polar…

Uyghurs Who Survived China’s Concentration Camps Describe Gang Rapes With Electric Batons

Ethic minorities, including Uyghurs and Kazakhs, who escaped the slave-producing concentration camps of China’s Xinjiang province,…

China to Expand Weather Modification Project to Cover Area the Size of India

The Communist Chinese govern has announced it plans to radically expand its experimental weather modification project.…