138 State Legislators Have Signed ‘New Declaration Of Independence’ Letter Led By Wendy Rogers

138 legislators from 38 states across America have signed what Arizona Wendy Rogers called the “new…

Former Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Says Decertifying Arizona Is ‘Important Step To Correcting The Record’

Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis says decertifying Arizona's 2020 election results would be an "important step…

Trump Joins Call To Decertify Arizona’s 2020 Election Results

Wendy Rogers's petition to decertify the election reached 1 million signatures earlier today

CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER: Karen Fann Has Authority, With Arizona House, To Decertify Fraudulent Election

Constitutional attorney John Eastman revealed a path for the Arizona State legislature to legally decertify a…

TRUMP RESPONDS: ‘Why Even Wait’ To Decertify Arizona, Irregularities Amount To ‘Hundreds Of Thousands Of Votes’

President Donald Trump has issued a new statement in response to the explosive Maricopa audit hearing…