Down with Big Brother: Warrantless Surveillance Makes a Mockery of the Constitution

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead “Whether he wrote DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER, or whether…

Carol Miller Backs Warrantless Spying on American Citizens With FISA Vote

Last Updated on April 17, 2024 West Virginia Rep. Carol Miller (R-1) voted in Congress for…

Supercharged Spying Provision Buried In “Terrifying” FISA 702 Reauthorization

By Tyler Durden On Monday, the House finalized procedural business on a bill to reauthorize the…

Deja Vu: The FBI Proves Again it Can’t be Trusted with Section 702

By Matthew Guariglia We all deserve privacy in our communications, and part of that is trusting…

Making a Mockery of the 4th Amendment

By Michael Boldin Despite a well-documented pattern of lawlessness by the FBI, including a failure to…

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Has Made a Mockery of the Constitutional Right to Privacy

By Andrew Crocker The latest evidence that Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA)…

Time To End the FBI’s FISA Follies

By Patrick Eddington Late last Friday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released…

Constitutional Lawyer Ivan Raiklin Explains How The FBI Lied to a FISA Court

Last Updated on November 2, 2022 Constitutional lawyer and election integrity activist Ivan Raiklin sat down…

Exclusive: New Evidence FBI,DOJ Conducted Illegal, Warrantless FISA Investigations Into US Office Holders, Donors

Last Updated on September 5, 2022 The report is a “Semiannual Assessment” of whether US intelligence…

“Trickle down” FISA Proceedings Result in Further Revocation of Rights

By Janet Phelan As the country swings further towards despotism, some interesting and telling cases are…

The Government’s Lust To Spy

By Andrew Napolitano In 2019, agents of the federal and state governments persuaded judges to issue…

Judge Rules NSA Spying Program Revealed By Snowden Was Illegal, Useless Against Terrorists

By John Vibes This week, a federal appeals court ruled that the NSA’s controversial spying program…

All Spying All The Time

By Andrew P. Napolitano During this summer of madness in Portland, Oregon, and sadness over COVID-19,…

Barr and Trump United in Opposition to Spy Bill — But The Reasons Raise Questions

By Janet Phelan Attorney General William Barr has reversed himself and is now urging Congress to…

Congressman Massie Speaks Out Against Patriot Act/FISA Reauthorization

By RepThomasMassie With the Patriot Act/FISA set to be re-authorized, at least one congressman – Rep.…