Cashless: Now India Is Testing Retail Central Bank Digital Currency

The central banks are emerging as the central column of power and control as they all…

Prime Minister Encourages Rollout of 5G and Other Smart Tech to Improve Surveillance

By B.N. Frank Opposition to 5G is worldwide and this has limited, slowed, and/or stopped deployment…

A Dystopian Surveillance State is Rising in India

By Aparajita Ghosh A few months after Narendra Modi was re-elected in 2019, India’s Parliament passed…

England Descends into Chaos as Roving Gangs of Muslims Dominate the Streets, Hunt Down Hindus

Last Updated on September 21, 2022 Leicester, England has descended into complete chaos as ongoing ethnoreligious…

Gates Calls Social Credit Scores An “Asset” — Are They Coming To The US?

By Jeremy Loffredo Millions of children in India can’t go to school because they’ve failed to…

World May Have Just ’10 Weeks’ of Wheat Supplies Left in Storage

The world is down to just 10 weeks of wheat supplies remaining in storage, a food…

India Orders VPN Providers to Collect Data on Users

By Ken Macon India’s cybersecurity agency, the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), will require government organizations,…

Here’s How the Awaken India Movement Defeated the Mask & Vaxx Mandates

By Derrick Broze Joining us today is our returning guest and contributor, Yohan Tengra. Yohan has…

India Accidentally Fired Missile Into Pakistan “Due To Technical Malfunction”

By Tyler Durden Indian news agency Asian News International reports the Indian military accidentally fired an unarmed missile…

Merck Anti-COVID Pill Will Not Be Added To India’s National Treatment Protocol

One of India’s top health officials made major news last week with an announcement about safety…

30 Million Christians in Danger as ‘Anti-Christian Hysteria’ Sweeps World’s 2nd Largest Country

Persecution against Christians is on the rise in India — with Christians suffering communal boycotts, physical…

India Delays 5G Spectrum Auction; High Price is “quite unrealistic right now” Says Telecom Expert

By B.N. Frank Opposition to 5G is worldwide.  Cities and entire countries have taken action to…

World’s Largest Biometric Digital ID Program “Aadhaar” Tracks Medications, Vaccines, Purchases, and All Movement of 1.3 Billion People in India

By S.D. Wells Ever heard of Aadhaar, the massive people-tracking government ‘portal’ in India that tracks…

“Perfect Storm” — Global Energy Crisis Spreads To Brazil And India

By Tyler Durden The global energy crisis already plagues Europe and China and risks spreading to…

5G Trials Being Conducted in India Despite Opposition, Warnings, and Lawsuit

By B.N. Frank Definite biological, economic, environmental, privacy, public safety, and security risks have been identified…