Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags

Smart cities, 15-minute cities, and predictions of moving rural citizens to cities have been in the…

NZ Retailers Turn to Facial Recognition to Stem Surge in Crime

Problem-Reaction-Solution – Ed. By Beverly Crawford-Westre Retail crime has surged in New Zealand, with the latest…

Documentary: The New Zealand Scamdemic

By Neenah Payne Jacinda Ardern was a leader of the Labour Party of New Zealand and…

New Zealand’s Lockdown Queen Becomes Internet Authoritarian

By Tyler Durden Remember New Zealand’s crazy ex-Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who not-so-subtly (as in, completely)…

Video: New Zealand Prime Minister Can’t Define What A Woman Is

Last Updated on April 3, 2023 New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins couldn’t define what a…

How New Zealand Dealt with “Disinformation”

By Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy is spectacular, with…

Is New Zealand A Beta Test For Western Governments Micromanaging The Populace?

By Tyler Durden In the wake of the covid pandemic lockdowns and mandates, many Western nations…

DISTURBING VIDEO: New Zealand Police Force Parents to Accept Vaccinated Blood Transfusion at Gunpoint

Last Updated on December 10, 2022 A video which went viral on Friday showed that law…

New Zealand PM Ardern Calls on Governments to Censor the Internet

By Mike Campbell New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told the United Nations she wants governments…

New Zealand PM Ardern Calls for Global Internet Censorship to Combat ‘Misinformation’

Last Updated on September 30, 2022 During her statement to the U.N. General Assembly, New Zealand…

New Zealand Prime Minister Calls For A Global Censorship System

By Jonathan Turley New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is the latest liberal leader to call…

New Zealand: Social Media Companies Agree to Censor “misinformation” and “harmful” Content

By Didi Rankovic Giant social networks operating in New Zealand will from now on “voluntarily” self-regulate…

Great Reset: Globalist-controlled New Zealand to Introduce “Climate Tax” on Cattle and Sheep

By Amy Mek The World Economic Forum and other globalist international organizations’ goal is to engineer…

New Zealand PM Says Gun Control Helps to Protect Democracy

Jacinda Ardern, the far-left Prime Minister of New Zealand, received a standing ovation after linking strict…

Courts Find Jacinda Ardern’s Lockdowns Were Illegal

By Thomas Lambert A court has ruled that Jacinda Ardern and the New Zealand government implemented…