Credit Card Defaults, Inflation, Part-Time Jobs: The Economy Is a Disaster

    Biden talks up the economy’s strong growth but doesn’t address the fact that the…

This Is What The Early Stages Of A Severe Recession Look Like

By Michael Snyder It is definitely starting to look a lot like 2008 and 2009 again. …

Why the Official Data Shows There’s No Recession

By Daniel Lacalle Allow me to explain why we have not seen a recession yet despite…

To Many Americans, It Already Feels Like We Are In A Deep Recession

By Michael Snyder Are you deeply struggling right now? If so, I want you to know…

Exactly What We Would Expect If A Recession Was Beginning – Sales Are Down Throughout The Economy

By Michael Snyder All of the things that we would expect to see at the start…

Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion In 2023

By Brandon Smith As the Federal Reserve continues its fastest rate-hike cycle since the stagflation crisis…

Will 2023 Be “Just an Average Recession in an Average Year” or Will It Be Transformational?

By Charles Hugh Smith It shouldn’t surprise us if 2023 turns out to be atypical and…

Biden’s Path Of Destruction

Biden’s Path Of Economic Destruction Joe Biden was snarfing still yet another ice cream cone recently…

Here Comes The Open Revolt: A Reeling Europe Lashes Out At The Fed For “Bringing Us To A World Recession”

By Tyler Durden As a result of the Fed’s relentless tightening blitz, which on November 2…

Shocking Consumer Credit Numbers: Everyone Maxed Out Their Credit Card As Economy Slid Into Recession

By Tyler Durden While it is traditionally viewed as a B-grade economic indicator, the August consumer…

10 Reasons Why This Recession Is Different

By Charles Hugh Smith All of these are structural dynamics that won’t go away in a…

Governments Will Turn The Recession Into A Depression

By The Ron Paul Liberty Report When the Fed counterfeits dollars, creating an artificial economic boom,…

A “Housing Recession” Is Here, And It Isn’t Going To Be Fun…

By Michael Snyder Our concerns about the housing market have been confirmed.  This week, the corporate…

Must Read: Gold Co, Sean Hannity Release Free Special Report to Help Americans Fight Back Against Bidenflation, Economic Destruction

Last Updated on July 28, 2022 As the nation tumbles into an economic recession, leading precious…

U.S. Enters Recession After Second Consecutive Quarter of Economic Decline

Last Updated on July 28, 2022 According to most longstanding definitions of a recession, the U.S.…