SJWs Complain That Orcs Are ‘Racist’, Draw ‘Soft, Queer’ Versions To Combat ‘Colonial Portrayals’

The post SJWs Complain That Orcs Are ‘Racist’, Draw ‘Soft, Queer’ Versions To Combat ‘Colonial Portrayals’…

EXCLUSIVE: Google Bans Infowars App After Alex Jones Covers COVID-19 Meds Popularized by Trump

The post EXCLUSIVE: Google Bans Infowars App After Alex Jones Covers COVID-19 Meds Popularized by Trump…

Boris Johnson Contracts Coronavirus – Leftists Celebrate

The post Boris Johnson Contracts Coronavirus – Leftists Celebrate appeared first on National File. Visit…

Twitter Allows Bernie Bro Who Threatened to Kill Cops to Remain on Platform

The post Twitter Allows Bernie Bro Who Threatened to Kill Cops to Remain on Platform appeared…

Kaitlin Bennett’s Lawyer Confronts Violent Threats Sent to ‘Gun Girl’ on Twitter

The post Kaitlin Bennett’s Lawyer Confronts Violent Threats Sent to ‘Gun Girl’ on Twitter appeared first…