FRANCE: Macron No Longer Views Unvaxxed as French, Vows to ‘Piss Them Off’ and ‘Reduce’ Them

French President Emmanuel Macron told one of the nation’s leading newspapers that he no longer considers…

‘PAPERS, PLEASE’: Holocaust Museum Makes Visitors Present Vaccine Passport To Enter

The Illinois Holocaust Museum recently announced that visitors over the age of five must present their…

Netherlands Now Plans up to 6 Jabs for COVID

The government of the Netherlands has announced a plan to administer up to six total doses…

Fauci’s Xmas Twist: Doc Orders Vaxxed to ‘Stay Away’ From Unvaxxed, Unboosted at Christmas Parties

Anthony Fauci is now warning that those who are triple vaccinated – having received the original…

BOOSTERS FOREVER: Israel Welcomes Fourth COVID Jab As Vaccines Prove Powerless To Stop Omicron

The nation of Israel is now offering a fourth dose of the controversial Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine…

WASHINGTON: Catholic Charities Christmas Pantry Denies Food, Toys To Needy If They’re Unvaxxed, Unmasked

A charitable Christmas food pantry run by the Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington will deny food…

Triple Vaxxed BuzzFeed Staffers Wore Masks, Showed Vax Passports, But Still Got COVID-19 At Christmas Party

Three BuzzFeed employees reportedly contracted COVID-19 after a company “holiday party” last week, despite the party…

BREAKING: Boris Johnson Implements Vaccine Passport For Large Venues, Reinstates Indoor Mask Mandate Across U.K.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a return to a full indoor mask mandate, along…

VIDEOS: Protests Form Across Italy As ‘Super Green Pass’ Set To Ban Unvaxxed From ‘Most Public Spaces’ Monday

Protests formed across Italy this weekend ahead of the government’s new “super green pass,” which will…

Minnesota School Board De Facto Bans Criticism, Will Shut Down Meetings if People Complain

The Mankato school board in Minnesota has de facto banned criticism of their activities, and will…

Curtis Sliwa Mocks ‘Ridiculous’ NYC Vaccine Passport, Says Diners Flee State Rather Than Show Their Papers

"But to get a cheeseburger and fries? You gotta show a vaccine passport and ID." Sliwa…

FLORIDA: DeSantis Calls Special Legislative Session to BAN Private Vaccine Mandates

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called for a special session of the state’s legislature in order…

Washington: Republican Legislator Locked Out Of His Own Office Because He Didn’t Have Vaccine Passport

“We are absolutely falling into some sort of Stockholm Syndrome that’s taken hold of the legislature…

‘We Refuse’ To Be ‘Vaccination Police’: In-N-Out Takes Stand On Vaccine Passports, Shuts Down San Francisco Location

Popular California-based fast food chain In-N-Out is refusing to check vaccine passports, and had its San…

DeSantis’s Department of Health Fines ‘Lawless’ County $3.5 Million for Mandating Vaccine Despite Florida Law

The Florida Department of Health has fined Leon County over $3.5 million for violating the state’s…