VERBOTEN: New York Restaurants Organize to Ban Cuomo From ‘All Establishments’ For Life

"He can eat at some sh**** roadside diner outside of Albany, but he will not be…

Michigan House Repeals Emergency Law Used by Whitmer to Decree COVID Restrictions

Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer (D), has used every tactic at her disposal to keep the State…

VIRGINIA: Blackface Northam Orders Statewide Curfew, Bans Gatherings of More Than 10

More COVID restrictions are coming to Virginia

COVID-19 Vaccine Takers May Feel Ill, So The Government Is Issuing Them Covid Papers Proving They’re Safe

Even as the debate over the potency of the COVID virus continues to be had, Big…

VIRGINIA: Campbell County Passes Anti Lockdown Resolution, Blackface Northam Threatens Police Action

The Virginia governor has threatened police action against a county that passed a resolution invalidating his…

REMOVED: Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ Is Expunged

A study critical to the narrative that COVID-19 is a deadly virus with the same killing…

Eric Clapton Collabs With Van Morrison On Anti-Lockdown Song, Gets Called ‘White Supremacist’

Liberals seethe over news of new collaboration against COVID fearmongering between two legendary rock musicians

Virginia: Sheriff’s Office Warns Residents of Holiday Gatherings, Encourages Neighbors to Snitch on Neighbors

The post Virginia: Sheriff’s Office Warns Residents of Holiday Gatherings, Encourages Neighbors to Snitch on Neighbors…

New York City to Have Thanksgiving COVID Checkpoints

The post New York City to Have Thanksgiving COVID Checkpoints appeared first on National File. Visit…

COVID: Vermont to Question Schoolchildren Over Thanksgiving Gatherings

The post COVID: Vermont to Question Schoolchildren Over Thanksgiving Gatherings appeared first on National File. Visit…

NEW NORMAL?: Students at SUNY Must Test Negative for COVID to Leave for Thanksgiving

The post NEW NORMAL?: Students at SUNY Must Test Negative for COVID to Leave for Thanksgiving…

California Democrats Ignore Their Own COVID-19 Travel Ban, Go To Hawaii For ‘Summit’

The post California Democrats Ignore Their Own COVID-19 Travel Ban, Go To Hawaii For ‘Summit’ appeared…

Overturning COVID Restrictions and States of Emergency

Memo to lawyers: What are you waiting for? File big cases now.