ARIZONA: Maricopa Audit Reveals Thousands of Discrepancies with Ballot Forms, Serious Integrity Issues

The forensic audit of Arizona’s Maricopa County has revealed thousands of discrepancies and issues with EV32…

Arizona Audit Firm Says Maricopa County Didn’t Give Them Key Information Until Day Before Hearing

"I can't validate whether that's accurate," said Doug Logan, "This sort of stuff is exactly why...…

DELAYED: Cyber Ninjas’s CEO and Two Members of Arizona Audit Team Catch COVID, Can’t Release Results Today

Doug Logan and the two other team members are "quite sick", a statement from Senate President…

Cyber Ninjas’ Doug Logan on Maricopa’s Missing 74,000 Ballots: ‘74,000 EV33 Forms That Did Not Have Matching EV32s’

"The situation didn't make any sense"

BOMBSHELL: Cyber Ninjas Shows Evidence Of Arizona Ballots Containing No Serial Numbers

"There should be one original ballot with a serial number, and one ballot, which is the…

Arizona Legislature Votes To Revoke Democrat Secretary of State’s Authority In Election-Related Lawsuits

The Arizona Legislature has voted to revoke the election-related lawsuit authority of Secretary of State Katie…

ARIZONA: Ward Wants Mail-In Ballot Signatures Verified, Cites Previous Finding That 6%-11% ‘Unlikely’ To Be Authentic

Ward reminds viewers that, in a sample of 100 ballots, 6%-11% were found to have signatures…