FLASHBACK: John McAfee Called FBI ‘Corrupt’ Or ‘Incompetent’ Over Hillary’s Emails In 2016 Op-Ed

McAfee slammed the FBI in a 2016 op-ed that zeroed in on the agency's handling of…

Amid Turmoil, SEC Names Wife of Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok as Division Director

Biden’s SEC team has chosen Melissa Hodgman to head-up its Division of Enforcement

FBI Believed Hillary Clinton – Not Donald Trump – Was Receiving Help From Foreign Influences In 2016, Memos Reveal

Comey slow-walked a FISA warrant that most likely would have found the Clinton campaign accepted foreign…

James Comey “I know NOTHING!”

James Comey Lies Before Congress Again James Comey, the FBI director fired by Trump, testified before…

Flynn Frame Job

The Frame Job It is obvious that General Flynn was set up and framed in order…

Former NSA head says CIA fabricated “evidence” to push Russiagate conspiracy theory

(Natural News – Ethan Huff) Bill Binney, the federal government’s top expert on computer hacking and…

All Roads Lead To Obama

Obamagate President Trump tweeted “Obamagate” on Sunday, but what Barack did was far worse than Nixon’s…

VIDEO: New Documentary Shows How Comey’s FBI Attempted to Dismantle the Trump Administration

The post VIDEO: New Documentary Shows How Comey’s FBI Attempted to Dismantle the Trump Administration appeared…