Report: Deep State Ordered Foreign Intel Agencies to Spy on Trump Campaign in 2016

Last Updated on February 14, 2024 A new report that cites high-level sources reveals that the…

I Confronted Former CIA Director John Brennan — Here’s Why

By Derrick Broze On Wednesday November 9th, the World Affairs Council of Houston held a public…

Former CIA Director John Brennan Confronted on Torture, Drone Bombings, Surveillance

By The Conscious Resistance Network On Wednesday November 9, 2022, former CIA director John Brennan spoke…

VIDEO: Ex-CIA Director John Brennan Is ‘Increasingly Embarrassed To Be A White Male,’ MSNBC Host Cackles In Response

Brennan has been roundly mocked for his cringeworthy statements about "white males" this week

VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard Calls Adam Schiff, John Brennan ‘Domestic Enemies’ of the United States

Former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), issued a cautionary statement to the American people in the…

GABBARD: Democrats’ Domestic Terrorism Bill ‘A Targeting Of Almost Half Of The Country’

Former U.S. Rep Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic presidential candidate from Hawaii, is raising concerns about…

“Even Libertarians”: John Brennan Issues ‘List’ Of Ideologies Biden Intel Community Should Go After

By Tyler Durden Well this is alarming and ominous to say the least… Former CIA Director John…


Deep State Treed  Sidney Powell is a lawyer doing stellar work as our nation’s number one…