Video: Lindsey Graham Relentlessly Booed at SC Trump Rally

Last Updated on July 2, 2023 South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham was relentlessly booed by the…

Occupy Democrats: ‘Trump Took The Vax’ So ‘Get Your Shot, Put On A Mask, And Shut The F**k Up’

Occupy Democrats uses President Trump's own words against his supporters

VIDEO: Trump Booed After Telling Supporters To Take COVID Vaccine Because ‘I Did It, It’s Good’

Trump was met with boos from the crowd for shilling the COVID-19 vaccine during his fiery…

MO BROOKS: ‘2020 Election Was Fraught With Voter Fraud’ And ‘If Only Legal Votes’ Were Counted, Then ‘Donald Trump Won’

As National File reported, Rep. Mo Brooks, who President Trump endorsed for U.S. Senate, was met…

TRUMP RALLY: Mo Brooks Met With ‘Fix It Now’ Chants At Trump Rally, Says ‘Arizona Audit Is Coming’

Rep. Mo Brooks, who President Trump endorsed for U.S. Senate, was met by skepticism at tonight’s…

President Trump Announces First Post-Presidency Rally On June 26 In Ohio

Trump rallies are returning to the American political scene

Trump Says His Rallies – And His Iconic Jet – Are Returning Soon, ‘Will Be Better Than Ever’

President Trump reveals that his iconic gold-plated airplane is being restored for use at upcoming rallies

HE’S BACK: Trump Will Resume MAGA Rallies In May, Will Announce 2024 Decision After Midterm Elections

President Trump is planning rallies for next month, and plans to announce whether he will run…

‘HOPE’: President Trump Hints At 2024 Run, Suggests Trump Rallies Will Return ‘Relatively Soon’

“In fact, we’re thinking about doing one relatively soon just to let everybody know that there’s…

Apple Maps Blocking Travel Directions to Washington DC Day Before Pro-Trump Protests

Apple Maps has blocked all directions to Washington DC, blaming “current road conditions,” as thousands of…