Israeli Vaccine Advisor Says Vax Passports Should End, Government ‘Made Mistakes’ During COVID

A top Israeli vaccine advisor argued their vaccine passport scheme should be ended, and that the…

Finland Prime Minister Partied Until 4 a.m., Missed Her Phone’s COVID Contact Tracing Notifications

Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin has released an apology after she went clubbing in Helsinki with…

Alberta Chief Health Officer Says Province Will Count All Sick People As COVID Cases, As Long As They Haven’t Been Tested

The province is setting COVID hospitalization records despite a high vaccination rate

Iceland Experiences Major COVID Spike Despite Having Highly Vaccinated Population

The country is experiencing its worst outbreak since March with the bulk of the cases among…

Daily Kos Calls Unvaccinated ‘Domestic Terrorists,’ Says They Should Be ‘Under House Detention Wearing Ankle Monitors’

The far-left Daily Kos news blog labeled unvaccinated Americans “domestic terrorists” and called for them to…

Polish-Canadian Pastor Arrested For Holding Church Says Someone Tried To Burn His House Down

"Someone tried to burn my house down! Price of fighting for Freedom," wrote Pawlowski. "Please, pray…

CANADA: Riot Police Choke Man On Ground For Not Wearing Face Mask

"Four of them grabbed him and shot him to the floor and held him like he…

‘I Do Not Work With Gestapo’: Artur Pawlowski Says He Fled Communist Poland Believing Canada Would Be Free

"I do not cooperate with Nazis, I do not work with Gestapo." He added that "They…

Cop Suspended For Refusing To Close Gym Due To COVID Lockdown, Hugging Gym Members Instead

Sergeant is under Internal Affairs investigation after being harangued by corporate journalist for hugging protesters and…

VIDEO: 200 Armed Riot Police Break Up Christian Church Service In Canada

"After the Christians tore down the fence that the government had build around the Edmonton church,…

VIDEO: 100 Year Old Chilean Woman Not Allowed To Buy Groceries Because She Didn’t Register Online – Report

"An adult over 100 years old is prevented from buying food in a 'LIDER' supermarket for…

TRUST THE SCIENCE: Peer Reviewed Study Suggests CDC Inflated COVID-19 Fatalities

Newly released study reveals the CDC initiated new date reporting protocols that dramatically increased reported COVID…

FIGHT BACK: Virginia Restaurant Owner Scraps Mask Mandate, Will Fight for His Business in Court

“I spent most of my adult life fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have no problem…

‘DEMONIC DECEPTION’: Israeli Group ‘Radiant Israel’ Compares COVID-19 Vaccine Pass To Second Holocaust

Radiant Israel, a special events and tour company founded “as a means to build the bridges…

VIDEO: Psaki Says Biden Presidential Address Will ‘Commemorate’ One-Year Anniversary Of Democrat COVID Lockdowns

Celebratory address will "commemorate" one year anniversary of "two weeks to slow the spread"