BREAKING: Democrat Operatives Allegedly Identified As Individuals Photographed With Tiki Torches At Youngkin Event

A handful of Young Virginia Democrats are accused of dressing as the supposed “white supremacists” photographed…

PHOTOS: Alleged Pro-McAuliffe Hoax Features Black ‘White Supremacist’ With Tiki Torch Standing By Youngkin Bus

A group of people holding tiki torches were photographed at a Glenn Youngkin campaign event in…

Black Nationalist Tariq Nasheed Wonders If Jussie Smollett Will ‘Start Snitching’ During Criminal Trial Over Hate Hoax

Foundational Black American thinker questions whether Smollett will snitch to avoid punishment

Axios Deletes Tweet, Issues Correction After National File Debunks Viral Border Patrol Whip Hoax

"We deleted a previous tweet that referred to Border Patrol agents as whipping at Haitian migrants.…

FACT CHECK: ‘Whips’ Used By Border Patrol During Illegal Migrant Surge Are Actually Just Horse Reins, Never Struck Migrants

Left-wing corporate activists circulate false narrative of illegal migrants being flogged down by Biden's Border Patrol…

FLASHBACK: Trey Gowdy Blamed Donald Trump, Supporters For 1/6, Said Election Wasn’t Stolen, Called For Prosecution Of Election Protestors

The day after January 6, Trey Gowdy went on Fox News to condemn President Trump and…

Democrat Arrested For Attacking Police On 1/6 Seeks Lighter Sentence Because He Posed As A Trump Supporter

Robert Maurice Reeder, a registered Democrat who was arrested for being inside the US Capitol and…

School Board Member Claims Anti-CRT Activist Made Gun Threat, Previously ‘Found’ Racist Pro-Trump Note In 2016

On July 8, 2021, Havertown citizens opposed to the district’s Critical Race Theory-themed “BASIS” initiatives gathered…

Capitol Hill Cop Who Claims 1/6 Mob Called Him ‘N****r’ Is A Leftist Who Hates Tucker Carlson, Retweeted Black Supremacist

White people, George Zimmerman, Donald Trump, and Tucker Carlson are among the many targets of Dunn's…

HATE HOAX?: Rep. Cori Bush Posts ‘White Supremacist’ Hate Message It Appears She Wrote Herself

Screenshot posted by Bush appears to be of an unsubmitted request form on her website, making…

HATE HOAX: Racist College Graffiti That Led To Boycott Was Written By Black Student

Racist graffiti on the Albion College campus that prompted student protests and boycotts was left by…

BLM Martyr Ahmaud Arbery Was Known As ‘The Jogger’, Used Jogging As Alibi, Robbery Tactic – Court Docs

Ahmaud Arbery was shot by passersby when he jogged through a construction site with work boots.

Black Intellectuals Blast Critical Race Training in Open Letter to Smith College After Hate Hoax

Employees of the school were forced to publicly 'cleanse' themselves of racism during the training

LISTEN: Clinton, Pelosi Float Baseless Conspiracy That Trump, Putin Planned Capitol Hill Protest

With relative certainty that she wouldn’t get banned from her platform, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary…

CHARLIE KIRK: Trump Campaign Should ‘Hire A Gay Black Actor’ To Cry So FBI Will Investigate Voter Fraud

The post CHARLIE KIRK: Trump Campaign Should ‘Hire A Gay Black Actor’ To Cry So FBI…